About Lilli

Heirloom quality dolls handcrafted by artist Lilli Bass.

Hi! My name is Lillian (Lilli) Bass and I live in Washington (yes the state!) with my Soulmate. The fascinating world of miniatures, in which we can express the stories we love, have been in my life since I was a little girl. If only I still had my cardboard dollhouse that I spent hours making and decorating! I've been making miniature porcelain dolls for over 20 years and as a business for 9 years. In September of 2022, I became an Artisan in The International Guild Of Miniature Artisans. This honored title was a milestone for me in my career.
My dolls are collectible art, and here is why: the dolls are made from porcelain and china painted, two permanent and long lasting qualities. They are dressed in a variety of fine fabrics and multimedia items. I start with liquid porcelain, pouring into plaster molds, drying and then kiln firing. Translucent enamel (china paint) is then applied to the porcelain and fired in the kiln. This process is repeated 7-10 times, making the enamel bond with the porcelain. Each costume is drafted and patterned to fit that particular doll, and depending on the costume, it will take 30 or more hours to complete a doll.
Please take a look around. You'll find my gallery of dolls I have created in the past and shows I am attending. The dolls are available several times a year online or at shows. Please sign up for my email list to be notified when dolls are available. I am now accepting custom order requests; please message or email me for more details.
Thank you for looking and keep "mini-ing" on!